Instruction Medium |
Tamil |
Male Teachers |
0 |
Pre Primary Sectin Avilable |
No |
Board for Class 10th State Board |
School Type |
Co-educational |
Classes |
From Class 1 to Class 5 |
Female Teacher |
2 |
Pre Primary Teachers |
0 |
Board for Class 10+2 Others |
Meal Provided and Prepared in School Premises |
Establishment |
1973 |
School Area |
Rural |
School Shifted to New Place |
No |
Head Teachers |
1 |
Head Teacher |
Is School Residential |
No |
Residential Type |
N/A |
Total Teachers |
2 |
Contract Teachers |
0 |
Management |
Local body |
Board for Class 10th Others |
Meal Not Provided |
Meal Not Applicable |
Board for Class 10+2 N/A |
Board for Class 10+2 State Board |
Village / Town |
Umayalpathi |
Cluster |
Thirumayiladi |
Block |
Kollidam |
District |
Nagapattinam |
State |
Tamil Nadu |
UDISE Code |
33191100302 |
Building |
Government |
Class Rooms |
4 |
Boys Toilet |
1 |
Girls Toilet |
1 |
Computer Aided Learning |
No |
Electricity |
Yes |
Wall |
Partial |
Library |
Yes |
Playground |
Yes |
Books in Library |
480 |
Drinking Water |
Hand Pumps |
Ramps for Disable |
No |
Computers |
0 |
PUPS VINAYAGAKUDI was established in 1973 and it is managed by the Local body. It is located in Rural area. It is located in KOLLIDAM block of NAGAPATTINAM district of Tamil Nadu. The school consists of Grades from 1 to 5. The school is Co-educational and it doesn't have an attached pre-primary section. The school is N/A in nature and is not using school building as a shift-school. Tamil is the medium of instructions in this school. This school is approachable by all weather road. In this school academic session starts in April. The school has Government building. It has got 4 classrooms for instructional purposes. All the classrooms are in good condition. It has 2 other rooms for non-teaching activities. The school has a separate room for Head master/Teacher. The school has Partial boundary wall. The school has have electric connection. The source of Drinking Water in the school is Hand Pumps and it is functional. The school has 1 boys toilet and it is functional. and 1 girls toilet and it is functional. The school has a playground. The school has a library and has 480 books in its library. The school does not need ramp for disabled children to access classrooms.The school has no computers for teaching and learning purposes The school is not having a computer aided learning lab. The school is Provided and Prepared in School Premises providing mid-day meal.